Cold Storage

Exceeding preservation standards, our state-0f-the-art cold storage vaults prolong the lifespan of film, video and photographic elements hundreds of years.

We offer you security in knowing that your artifacts are safe from fluctuating temperature and humidity, fire, flood, hurricane, earthquake, and free from dirt, dust, mold, insects and other factors that can lead to destruction or accelerated deterioration. Our vaults, located ten stories underground in the lowest seismic zone in the country, exceed preservation standards for safeguarding collections. We monitor temperature and humidity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Additional services include organization, re-housing, item-level inventory, item-level or bulk barcoding and online access for remote viewing via computer or smart phone. Our cold storage facility enables geographic separation, protects original elements from further physical wear and tear, slows the inherent chemical deterioration of materials and ensures long-term permanence.

  • 24/7 monitored security
  • Halon fire-suppression system
  • Temperature and humidity control
  • 45°F/7°C / 25% Rh
  • Barcode tracking system
  • Archival-safe LED lighting
  • In & out access
  • 10 stories underground
  • Lowest seismic zone in the United States
  • Affordable – $6 per month per cubic foot
  • No hidden fees or permanent removal charges
  • Archival services and supplies
  • Realtime online and smartphone viewing
  • Inquire about our nitrate vaults

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